10th graders compete as top aquaculture industry consultants for a day

A great bridge builder between school and working life!
On Thursday 20 October, in relation to the Bridges deliverable 11.5 Innovation Camps, the Blue Innovation Camp will be held at the Guri Kunna upper secondary school in Frøya. This is a collaborative project between the Blue Competence Center, Young Entrepreneurship Trøndelag and Guri Kunna upper secondary school.
The event focuses on creativity and innovation. A close collaboration with local businesses is central to the innovation camp, where participating aquaculture companies deliver each their own current operational challenge for students to solve. Students will be divided into groups and each be given one of the challenges to solve and will then present their solution proposal to the participating industry panels.
This year's industry representatives are: SalMar, Frøy and Lerøy Midt.
Links (updated):
- See YouTube playlists for Blue Innovation Camp. English translations both in the video and playlist descriptions as well as video subtitles. BRIDGES and EU logos and Erasmus + disclaimers included in Youtube channel banner as well as in relevant BRIDGES project videos:
- See YouTube short video "What is Blue Innovation Camp?" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2whke4pNJbw&list=PLBX_1ckp86q74Tb7YssNpeJmlf1GaP8rU&index=1&ab_channel=Bl%C3%A5ttKompetansesenterAS
- See YouTube playlist "Blue Innovation Camp 2022" https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBX_1ckp86q6kVUIsPrYjp2dAqs1pJcKt
- See YouTube playlist "Blue Innovation Camp" (general) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBX_1ckp86q74Tb7YssNpeJmlf1GaP8rU
- Blue Innovation Camp results landing page 2022 https://bksnorge.no/aktuelt/bla-innovasjonscamp-2022/
79 tenth graders from all over Trøndelag will visit the island region for the physical version of the Blue Innovation Camp. The mayor of Frøya, Kristin Furunes Strømskag, and the Guri Kunna principal, Espen Arntsberg, will welcome these students and kick off the camp. These students will be participating in group activities like fish farm building with the coastal museum Kystmuseet, a puzzle run around the school's local town of Sistranda organized by Guri Kunna students so that visitors learn about the local community, get a boat ride from Guri Kunna students to visit their sea fisheries and finally have dinner and the award ceremony at the renown Hotell Frøya after completing the Blue Innovation Camp competition.
Due to covid restrictions during Blue Innovation Camp 2020, the organizers had to come up with innovative solutions, so the camp became wholly digital. This was such a success that we have decided to continue this concept as a new tradition!
The digital camp will be held on the same day as the physical camp. One out of every tenth grander in the Trøndelag region will be participating in this year's Blue Innovation Camp!
In the digital version of the camp, students will work their entrepreneurial chops in the comfort of their own school classrooms with guidance given digitally by both this year's industry panels, Guri Kunna student assistants and Young Entrepreneurship Trøndelag. The digital pitches will be recorded and handed in in YouTube-video format for the panels to judge.