The next BRIDGES yearly meeting will be held in Lysekil on the 22-23 of May

Train workshop from the Transnational partner meeting in Finland 2023. Credit: Blått Kompetansesenter.
Date: 22nd and 23rd May 2024
Venue: Lysekil, Sweden
Local organizer: Daniel Krång and Mikael Thörn (Gullmarsgymnasiet)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21th of May:
- Travel: You will probably come from Gothenburg or Oslo. There are busses if you don´t travel by car – let us know and we can provide you with timetables.
- Check in at Strandvillan (Strandvägen 1) in Lysekil.
- Light reception and welcome outside Gullmarsgymnasiet (Verkstadsgatan 8) at 19-ish.
22nd of May:
0900-1700: Bridges project meeting at Lysekil´s Sailing Society (LSSG), Badhusgatan 14
0900-1000 WP2 Preparation - Aquaculture Skills Foresight Forum
- Progress and missing deliverables? à WP leader – Asgeir, Salmar
1000-1100 WP3 Implementation - Framework of shared learning outcomes
- Progress and missing deliverables? à WP leader – Dag, TC
1100-1200 WP4 Implementation - Work-based learning innovation
- Progress and missing deliverables? à WP leader – John B, ELS
1200-1245 Lunch at Gullmarsgymnasiet HC
1300-1400 WP5 Implementation – Aquaculture Work-based learning resources
- Progress and missing deliverables? à WP leader – Dag/Jon Ivar, TC
1400-1500 WP6 Implementation - Aquaculture work-based learning pilots
- Progress and missing deliverables? à WP leader – Asta, Holar
1500-1600 WP7 Quality Assurance
- Progress and missing deliverables? à WP leader – Alexandra/Klemenz, ICF
1600-1700 WP8 Evaluation
- Progress and missing deliverables? à WP leader – Elisabeth/Benedicte, BCC
1900 à Project dinner at Publik, Norra Hamngatan 1.
23th of May:
0900-1300: Bridges project meeting at Lysekil´s Sailing Society (LSSG), Badhusgatan 14
0900-1000 WP9 Dissemination
- Progress and missing deliverables? à WP leader – Dag, TC
1000-1100 WP10 Implementation - VET responsiveness towards Industry needs
- Progress and missing deliverables? à WP leader – Elisabeth/Benedicte, BCC
1100-1200 WP11 Implementation VET enhanced regional development, innovation and entrepreneurship
- Progress and missing deliverables? à WP leader – Gudrun/Lilja, UNAK
1200-1245 Lunch at Gullmarsgymnasiet, HC
- à Excursions
- 1300-1400 Tour of the school (all participants)
- 1400 Boat trip in the archipelago
1400-1600 WP 5 meeting for the VET-schools (Conference room 1061)
Evening Free to do what you want! The host gang will be sitting on the roof of NH5 in the sun if you want to have company.
Participants, BRIDGES:
- Trøndelag County Authority (TC)
- SalMar
- Blue Competence Centre (BCC)
- Easy Learning Solutions (ELS)
- Holar University (HU)
- Icelandic College of Fisheries (ICF)
- University of Akureyri (UNAK)
- Arnarlax
- Gullmarsgymnasiet / Lysekils vuxenutbildning (GG)
- Nordic Trout Sweden (NTS)
- Livia College (LC)
- Nordic Trout Finland (NTF)